
Beautiful with Nature

BEAUTIFUL WITH NATURE Course for the production of natural soaps enriched with cosmetic plant extracts The Terra Italica snc company within the project The park in bloom organizes this event...

Beautiful with Nature

BEAUTIFUL WITH NATURE Course for the production of natural soaps enriched with cosmetic plant extracts The Terra Italica snc company within the project The park in bloom organizes this event...

Favors and place cards for communions and confi...

It's time for ceremonies: Communions and Confirmations If you want a Green Ceremony, we are ready to suggest original packages made with our Natural Soaps. Below are some examples of:...

Favors and place cards for communions and confi...

It's time for ceremonies: Communions and Confirmations If you want a Green Ceremony, we are ready to suggest original packages made with our Natural Soaps. Below are some examples of:...

Natural Soap Production Course

Bellessere'm Center – Bari 24 and 25 February 2018 Training course organized by Bellessere'm and conducted by TERRA ITALICA, which will have as its theme the creation of natural and...

Natural Soap Production Course

Bellessere'm Center – Bari 24 and 25 February 2018 Training course organized by Bellessere'm and conducted by TERRA ITALICA, which will have as its theme the creation of natural and...

Phytoalimurgia course

SPONTANEOUS HERBS ……… ON THE PLATE Phytoalimurgia course feed on wild herbs 7 and 8 October 2017 organized FROM THE TERRA ITALICA SOCIETY within the project The park in bloom...

Phytoalimurgia course

SPONTANEOUS HERBS ……… ON THE PLATE Phytoalimurgia course feed on wild herbs 7 and 8 October 2017 organized FROM THE TERRA ITALICA SOCIETY within the project The park in bloom...

Natural dye

“Natural dyeing course” Recognition, collection and use of dyeing plants 29-30 July 2017 Floristic Research Center of the Apennines (San Colombo Monastery – Barisciano, AQ) ORGANIZED From Società Terra Italica...

Natural dye

“Natural dyeing course” Recognition, collection and use of dyeing plants 29-30 July 2017 Floristic Research Center of the Apennines (San Colombo Monastery – Barisciano, AQ) ORGANIZED From Società Terra Italica...

Goniolimon italicum

Educational walk to discover the flowering of Goniolimon Italicum Organized by the TERRA ITALICA SNC company LOCATION S. EUGENIA – NAVELLI SATURDAY 15 JULY 2017 THE EXCURSION WILL BE GUIDED...

Goniolimon italicum

Educational walk to discover the flowering of Goniolimon Italicum Organized by the TERRA ITALICA SNC company LOCATION S. EUGENIA – NAVELLI SATURDAY 15 JULY 2017 THE EXCURSION WILL BE GUIDED...